12 Signs Of An Extreme Introvert

Source | www.aconsciousrethink.com

You’ve probably noticed that people tend to swing one of two primary ways when it comes to social interaction.

There are the extraverts, who thrive in other people’s company and need a lot of socializing in order to feel happy and recharged.

And then there are the introverts, who prefer quiet, solitude, and peace.

The former will be most at home at a blazing festival where they can dance all day and night in throngs of others, while the latter would consider that to be a type of hell.

Similarly, the latter might have their “happy place” in a museum or library, followed by solo takeout to share with their cat.

There are of course different levels of extra- and intro-version, and many people experience different parts of that spectrum depending on what’s going on in their lives at the time.

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