15 years a clown

By | Papa CJ | Comedian • Executive Coach • Author • Oxford MBA • HBR Writer • papacj.com • WIT of the Week newsletter on LinkedIn, papacj.substack.com & papacj.medium.com • I uplift others & help them be the best version of themselves

This week I complete 15 years as a comedian. I shall be eternally grateful for everything that this wonderful profession has given me.  

Over time I’ve come to believe that stand-up comedy is an outward expression of an inward journey and while my journey has only just begun, I’m thankful for comedy for giving me a lens that allows me to look at life in a way that enables me to keep learning. Comedy has taught me a deep sense of honesty that has transformed who I am as a person and how I see and interact with the world.  

I am constantly in awe of comedians who have walked further down their path than I have. Comedians who make me realise how very little I know and at the same time excite me about how much more there is for me to learn. The beauty and the greatest challenge of stand-up is that no two paths are the same and there is no roadmap. As we learn more about ourselves and who we are we stumble our way through. It’s challenging and sometimes painfully slow and frustrating but in the end we carve a path that is uniquely our own – and I wouldn’t change that for anything.  

I have received much love and laughter in my short journey thus far and strangers have welcomed me into their lives with great warmth. I have received all forms of support and help both professionally and personally. I would not be anywhere without all the wonderful people who have held my hand, pushed me forward or even just smiled at me as I trudge along. For that I thank you all. I shall continue to strive to bring smiles on your faces and a little happiness in your heart as I stumble in my footsteps towards the ever elusive light.  

Republished with permission and originally published at Papa CJ’s LinkedIn

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