20 Video Interview Tips to Help You Dazzle the Hiring Manager and Get the Job

By | Regina Borsellino | www.themuse.com

By now, you’re probably familiar with the basics of setting up for a video interview: Find a quiet, clean place to have it, make sure your mic is turned on, and—seriously—put on some pants. But with more and more employers using Google Hangout, Zoom, or Skype interviews—and more and more job seekers knowing the basics—it’s a good idea to take your digital interviewing skills to the next level.

As with in-person interviews, the key to video interviews is to “be confident and show them your true self,” says says Muse career coach Adrean Turner, who hosts the career podcast Coach Adrean’s FIT Tips and has coached hundreds of job seekers through video interviews. But while your goals are the same as in a traditional interview, there are a few differences in how you achieve them, and you want to make sure that your interviewer can focus on your best qualities and not whether they can hear you.

These tips will help you overcome the unique challenges inherent in video interviews so you can put your best foot forward. (Want advice on how to get through a pre-scripted digital interview? Read more here.)

1. Prepare Like You Would for an In-Person Interview

Just because your interview is happening over Skype (or some other platform), doesn’t mean it’s not a real interview. Other than preparations to travel to the interview, you still need to prepare the same way you would if you were going into the office. That means researching the company and role, preparing to answer common interview questions, and coming up with questions to ask your interviewer in return. Your interviewer is still looking for someone they can see themselves working with and who is passionate and knowledgeable about the role they’re applying to—be ready to show them why that’s you.

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