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6 Steps for Creating Abundance

Source | | Deepak Chopra™, M.D.

There shouldn’t be a gap between the abundance of Nature and the lack that many people feel in their lives. When you say, “I don’t have enough time” or “There’s never enough money,” you have found yourself in that gap, because there is no denying that time is infinite and that wealth can be endlessly created. Why don’t you have your share?

Especially now, when the economy has brought financial lack to those who can least afford it, anxiety about loss of income has replaced the sense of abundance and fulfillment. You shouldn’t stop with lack of money or lack of time. What about lack of emotional fulfillment, lack of love, lack of creative solutions?

Abundance is all-embracing—at least it should be. Bringing abundance into your own life should be more than a game of chance, even though you look around and see that some people are much more fortunate than others.

Let’s proceed on the belief that you can make your own luck, which is the same as saying that you can create what you want. This assumption is better than relying on the ups and downs of fortune. If you wait for good things to fall into your lap, you are defeated in advance, because it’s the nature of life to have bad things fall into your lap, too. Instead of passively waiting to see if you won life’s lottery, you can change the game in your favor, so to speak.

1. Turn Negativity into Positive Action

Take one thing today that you feel negative about. Before the day is out, take one positive action that diminishes the negativity. Such actions include the following:

  • Stand up for yourself
  • Speak your truth
  • Fix what can be fixed
  • Ask for help
  • Seek wise advice
  • Walk away from things that can’t be fixed
  • Reduce the stress
  • Look at your role in creating the negative situation

The possibilities are endless. Taking even a small action begins to change the feedback you are getting.

2. Get a Healthy Outside Perspective

In bad situations, people tend to contract and withdraw inside themselves. “It’s my problem” leads to isolation, which makes lack and loss feel worse. I realize that no one wants to be a burden on others, and that everyone wants to preserve their dignity, but other people have walked in your shoes. They have confronted lack and loss, survived the pain, and eventually made it all the way through. It helps enormously to be in touch with such a person, a confidante who has walked the walk.

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