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6 Steps to Take When You Don’t Get Your Dream Job

By | Sucraig

Suppose you have seen an attractive job ad, considered all its pros and cons, looked through your resume and at last you have decided that it is your dream job. You have filled out an application form, have sent your resume to their HR department, and, oh wonder, you have received a call from them! Your telephone conversation has gone on quite smoothly, and both you and your interviewer have remained quite satisfied with each other.

You have been promised to get an answer soon, and in a couple of days, you have received an invitation to the interview. Yes, you have done it! You have managed to persuade them that you are a perfect match for this job!

On the day of your interview, you feel quite agitated and happy at the same time. You have flown to the place of your meeting on the wings of hope, and after waiting for a while, you are introduced to a recruiter. It seems you have liked each other from first sight. Your talk is going on smoothly, in good terms, and you understand that you are getting on quite well.  

You are waiting for the results of the interview impatiently because they have promised to call you back… Alas! In a week, you have got an email saying: “Sorry, you are not suitable for this position, and we do not see our future with you”.

Rejection! It seems rather unreal at least! How could that have happened? And what to do next? “What have I done wrong?” – it’s the only question you are keeping on asking yourself. 

In fact, you do not have to blame yourself for anything. There are myriads of reasons why you have been rejected. Maybe they have had some internal candidate admitted or someone may have proved their understanding of the company’s goals and objectives better or had a higher qualification. Who knows? Perhaps, your resume does not correspond to their ideas or is outdated, or just the weather was wrong for the interview at that time…

Sometimes, big companies just use the automatic HR software which sorts out candidates’ resumes according to given metrics, and your resume has not met certain parameters. 

Nevertheless, you feel completely down, frustrated, depressed, self-pitied, and demoralized. Answering the question of what to do next, you may regard several options. Though, none of them should involve any negative considerations, complete apathy, or anger towards the whole world. Here are some tips on how to deal with the situation.

Take Some Positive Steps and Forget about Your Misfortune

Step 1. Remain Positive

Consider the fact that you are not the only one who was rejected. Maybe the position was offered to a hundred or two hundred other candidates. And you need to believe that the only one of them was accepted, so your situation is not quite different from that of 98 or 198 others.

Remember that you have felt some disappointment or frustration many years before when you lost the competition or were not admitted to an athletic team or the fraternity you wanted to become a member of. Are you still frustrated about it? Certainly, not. Some wise man once said that if the negative feelings or situations have mattered for you for more than five years, it might be something that you really need to dwell on. Think about whether not getting this job will matter much in five years. If not, what are you frustrated about then?

Step 2. Take Your Time

Of course, after such devastation, you will need some time for rest. Give yourself a day or two to feel sorry for this case. But no more. Take some positive actions to substitute your negative feelings. The tools for this psychological healing may vary – from meeting a close friend to getting back to your hobby, watching a new video, or listening to some great music.

Remember that even Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein faced many rejections. Though, they wouldn’t have become so successful if they have allowed themselves to feel like victims of injustice for a long time. 

However, during such recollections and considerations, do not blame yourself for lack of professionalism, communication skills, or personal traits that could be helpful. Probably, everything will work for your further benefits, and being rejected will affect your future success and prosperity.

Step 3. Enlist Your Advantages

Making a written list of your successful actions, victories, and realized plans will be a good option for getting back on the horse. Think about your achievements in studies, sports, self-development, relations, and all your gains. Consider the pluses of your being on this place, at this time, and options that may open still wider horizons in front of you.

Step 4. Rebrand Yourself

Your recent rejection may become a great urge to rebranding yourself as a professional. Look through your resume. Have you really known before how to make up a resume efficiently? Probably, you haven’t changed anything in it for ages. You may also have skipped some important requirements for the position you were rejected from, and you might have failed to take more care about changing your resume to correspond.

Anyway, it’s the highest time to monitor the needs and demands on the job market for the work of your dream, take up some additional courses, and regard all your gains and winnings in this rebranded aspect.

Step 5. Asking for Feedback

You have received a written answer and have never got any call. Certainly, you can feel useless and offended. However, do not ignore the HR’s message with a rejection, or never answer it in a short “Thank you for your time” email. It will be much more useful if you ask for some feedback either in your written response or by the call to your interviewer. And you may ask them what you should do to improve your hard and soft skills, your personal characteristics, and your work experience to fit better to their needs, and to become a part of their team in the future.

You are sure not to get this job of your dream at once after your repeated application, but do not doubt that the HR manager or recruiter will remember your striving for self-development.

The staff of any company is constantly changing, some people quit the job, some are fired, and someone is promoted. It may happen that in a month or two, they will have a vacant position, and if you keep in touch with them, they will offer this position to you.

Even if the position you will be offered is not something you expected first, it may help you to show your best professional qualities and be promoted soon.

Step 6. More Than One Dream Jobs Are Waiting for You Ahead

After all negative and positive considerations, after some time for healing and rebranding, after making certain plans for improvement and self-development, continue with looking for a job and sending your resumes over and over again.

The fact is that there are always more than one dream jobs around, and your task is not to miss your chance. Now, you are armed with certain experiences, with some important tips, and positive resolutions, so it’s high time to proceed. 

Remember that your career advancement depends on you only. So, keep sending your answers to job advertisements, attending interviews, communicating with your peers and potential colleagues, improving your skills. After some time, you will see that the number of job offers will substantially increase, and now it’s up to you to choose one of them and reject others.

You may also prefer to try some job interviews at once, and think about picking out of two or even three options. To be successful, you may probably need to change a job some times before you find one of your dream.

In conclusion, it should be noted that rejection is painful, of course. Still, it is not the end of the world. 

If you use just some tips and follow the steps enlisted in this article, you will be able to reconsider your present-day failures as future achievements and move on towards the job of your dream. 

Even while feeling pain and frustration, do not forget to ask yourself a question, “Will it really matter for me in 5 years?” And you will see that the answer will help you to overcome these temporary hardships.


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