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7 things mentally strong people avoid doing

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Do you ever wonder why some people seem to be so strong that they get back up no matter how much life knocks them down? What is their secret to tackling the tough times?

The answer is simple: mental strength. 

Mentally strong people have developed a set of coping mechanisms to deal with life’s harsh realities. And just as it’s about the things they do, it’s also about what they avoid doing. 

In this article, I’ll share seven things mentally strong people avoid doing. This one won’t be about how they aren’t afraid of challenges and never give up, though, because we all know that by now. 

Rather, it’s about the things they eliminate to cultivate an empowered mindset. Let’s dive in! 

1) Feeling sorry for themselves

I’ll start with something I’ve been guilty of many times in the past. You know that feeling when life just doesn’t go the way you want it to, and you start saying things like…

  • “I can’t catch a break!” 
  • “Why do bad things always happen to me?” 
  • “I’m just not good/smart/lucky enough.”
  • “I’ll never be as successful as other people…”
  • “I’m so unlucky. Nothing ever goes my way!” 

Have you been singing these sad and sorry tunes? Well, it’s time to stop it. 

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