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8 Big Tickets for People Analytics (2022)

By | Patrick Coolen | People Analytics leader | Employee Experience | Organizational Design | AI in HR | Conference Speaker | Ph. D candidate


It has been a while since we shared our thoughts and best practices on people analytics. Over the years, we talked about employee experience (1), continuous employee listening (2), the second wall of HR (3), the 10 golden rules of HR analytics (4), and the HR analytics skillset (5). Today we want to share our 8 big tickets related to people analytics for our organization for the upcoming year. By no means do we want to suggest that our big tickets are the only important ones. For every organization, this will differ based on context. We do hope, however, that you enjoy and appreciate us sharing our views.

Before discussing the 8 big tickets for people analytics, we want to thank thought leaders, peers, academics, and vendors who continuously challenge and inspire us to shape our way forward. In itself, it could be a ninth big ticket: Ensuring you stay connected and learn and grow from all the people analytics experts that are out there. Special thanks to Insight222 for curating people analytics content and bringing together people analytics leaders from all over the world and the Deloitte iNostix team for being there from the beginning. Both organizations inspired us and ensured we continued innovating our people analytics practice.

1 – Analytics for personalization

In the next year or two, all our HR and enterprise data will be brought together in one global environment and integrated with our analytical platforms. Combining a more integrated IT and data landscape and our analytical capabilities offer us the opportunity to serve our employees more directly, more personally, and at scale. Insights from our machine learning models can nudge or advise our employees on career-related topics and enhance their employee experience. We can provide employees with custom-made suggestions for vacancies or learning interventions based on their skills or provide managers with tips on how to increase team engagement. These machine learning-based services offer the opportunity to add functionality to our HR IT landscape in a more modular and flexible way without investing in new software packages. Needless to say, our people analytics and HR IT teams are working closely together on this.

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