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8 New Year’s Business Resolutions That Will Keep You Energized

2021 has been a year of learning opportunities, challenges and successes. Let's get ready to have an energized 2022

By | Brandon Pena |

Congratulations on an amazing year of successes, learning opportunities and improvements for you and your business. It’s no easy task running a company, and it can take a toll on you. As the year comes to an end, let’s talk about how to keep you energized in the coming year.

Here are eight New Year’s business resolutions to help you achieve just that. 

1. Get your business processes down on paper

You have an amazing brain, and it holds a lot of the information your business needs in order for it to run smoothly. You need to put all of that information on paper and create documents for your team to know the correct procedures and help you run the company. If you want to start the new year energized, you need to do this. Take some pressure off of yourself and make sure to share the information with your team. It will only benefit the company and the way it runs. This resolution will make it easier to delegate.

2. Learn to delegate and do more of it

Your business is your baby, and I know it must feel like no one knows how to take care of it more than you. I understand that, but if you want your business to grow, you need to start trusting the people on your team to take over certain tasks. Delegating is essential for you to be able to to have time to yourself to think about how to find innovative ways to expand your business. Make sure your team is properly trained to handle whatever you need it to do and trust it to get it done. It takes some pressure off of your shoulders and gives your team a sense of responsibility and ownership.

3. Get up to speed on online-marketing innovation

Keeping up with innovative marketing techniques is essential for the growth of your company. Find out what the new marketing methods are and start implementing them. If for some reason what you see is not something that you think would work for your business, you need to be innovative and have a meeting with your team about marketing strategies that are new and exciting and would help build your business even more.

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