All you need to know about HCL’s First Careers program

HCL Technologies has announced a ‘First Careers’ program, which it says will help college graduates get their first step right in building their global IT career. According to the company," the advantage of HCL First Careers program lies in its ability to identify your first job at HCL, train you to be successful in it within 6 months and place you in it at the end of training."

Source | | ET Online

HCL Technologies has announced a ‘First Careers’ program, which it says will help college graduates get their first step right in building their global IT career. According to the company,” the advantage of HCL First Careers program lies in its ability to identify your first job at HCL, train you to be successful in it within 6 months and place you in it at the end of training.”

Here is everything you need to know about HCL’s ‘First Careers’ program:

Program Duration:

6 months inclusive of 3 months virtual Class Room Training

Program Fee:

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