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Overcoming Problems in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

By | Katelynn Varrige

Managing the pharmaceutical supply chain is a complex endeavor. From sourcing ingredients to delivering the final product, numerous intricacies and costs come into play, compounded by strict safety regulations.

Let’s break down the process. It starts with manufacturing, where active pharmaceutical ingredients and materials are acquired and processed according to regulatory standards. Packaging is crucial, ensuring compliance with labeling and material requirements, especially for temperature-sensitive medications. Distribution follows, involving wholesalers and distributors who must uphold storage standards to maintain product quality.

On this journey, organizations face various hurdles. For example, maintaining proper temperature control during transportation is essential for product integrity. To address this, manufacturers rely on reliable transportation services with refrigerated trucks. Challenges like shipment visibility and coordination also require advanced tracking and monitoring technology to enhance efficiency and minimize disruptions.

Investments in innovative technologies aimed at optimizing operations are driving significant growth in the global pharmaceutical logistics market, projected to exceed 96 billion euros by 2025.

For a deeper insight into the pharmaceutical supply chain and strategies for improvement, take a look at the added source provided by NetCorp.


Infographic provided by NetCorp, a trucking services company

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