Be nice to People on your way up because you will meet them on your way down..

Source | LinkedIn | Rajessh Deb Roy | Director |Global Product Management Ambassador | AIPMM USA

Battle of Life can be won by being kind while terms & conditions apply .

This is interesting fact which i often introspect what i am good at or which are the areas to work upon as no one is perfect so am i ,while i go through those moments i learnt from my past that i often caught up being nice to everyone even those people who caused damage to me or shown their colour in most testing times of life however i often carry forgive and forget mode on to handle such situations as they did what they are good at .This is a fact that while you might be thinking you are made of humanity & being slightly different stuff .Yes while i rarely focus on odds but while i experience every time i am hurt i see similar scenario of being nice which is become cause of suffering rather an enabler to create win win but instead of receiving what i gave opposites followed as people starts taking things for granted .Yes thats true when you are being nice to everyone even to those who do not deserve still you do so it stands true however non violence is the key driver for better productivity but no battle is won without fighting until end thus i lost the battles without fight back moments as i chose battle worth ignoring often & moving on .

However found those moments despite you put your best those who do not do what is required to make ends meet still OK notwithstanding the damage their act causes to brand you represent thereby instead changing others i found that here is why i should change my behaviour towards such people who are made of just negatives or good at doing or damaging instead of building relations relations relation relation you might face frustration there by thought it is worth sharing my purpose to write and make you aware of steps which you may need to combat such situations & be aware of before you take one side track & find self in stuck as one skill you lack .

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