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Business transformation: How to lead effectively

Source | | Philip Morris International

How can businesses transform successfully? What should the priorities be and how should leadership interact with employees?

Russell Armstrong is a change consultant for key talent, people and culture development with more than 22 years in the corporate world. In this Q&A, he discusses how the modern business landscape is evolving very quickly and organizations need to transform in order to remain relevant and profitable.

Question: What are the biggest obstacles to corporate transformation?

Answer: Without question the biggest obstacle is underestimating the work effort required. It is relatively easy to suggest or ask for change at the strategic level. However, the transformation in practical terms is rarely translated very well to a tactical level and then even less so moving on to the operational level. There is a lot more to consider as you translate the change from idea, to practical roll-out and then to the people level. Another issue is that change is often driven by numbers or processes at the expense of the people who make it happen. Financial due diligence is a prerequisite and smart thing to do but very rarely is a proper cultural due diligence process carried out. Who am I dealing with? How will they really respond to the needed changes? Who can I rely on as my guiding coalition? Who and where is my key talent, and how do we protect them through this disruption?  What is the expected cultural response going to be?

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