Everything You Need to Know About Putting in Two Weeks’ Notice

By | The Muse Editors | www.themuse.com

Little-known fact: Winners do quit…because they get better job offers and want to advance in their careers. You’ll likely have many jobs in your lifetime—Baby Boomers averaged 12 by age 54. Hopefully most departures from one job to the next will be on your own terms. But leaving a job gracefully can be just as important to your career as making a good impression on your first day.

We’ll cover everything you should know about how to give your two weeks’ notice in the most professional way. But first…

What is two weeks’ notice?

Like the term implies, putting in your two weeks’ notice means you’re informing your current employer that you’ll be leaving your job, typically at least 10 business days in advance.

Why should you give two weeks’ notice?

There isn’t typically a rule that demands two weeks’ notice, but it’s a widely accepted standard and more of a professional courtesy than anything else. 

“It’s important to leave your current job with your relationship and reputation intact,” says Melody Godfred, founder of Los Angeles–based resume firm Write in Color. “By giving your employer notice, you maintain the goodwill you’ve cultivated while working there and can facilitate a smooth transition.” You give your employer time to figure out what they’ll do once you’ve left while you’re still available to help guide the transition.

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