Facebook and Google to allow most employees to work from home until end of this year

Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, tech giants Facebook and Google will allow the majority of their employees to work from home

Source | www.indiatoday.in | Yasmin Ahmed

Tech giants Facebook and Google have said that most of their employees can work remotely through the end of 2020, according to reports. Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, many companies across the world have resorted to the work-from-home culture.

Facebook will not open offices at least till the 6th of July, a spokeswoman told CNBC. The company will allow employees who can do their work remotely to continue doing so through 2020, she said.

It is however still not decided which employees will be allowed to work in offices.

A Facebook spokeswoman told CNet said that the company will consider various factors such as public health data, government guidance and local nuances when deciding whether to reopen its offices.

Last month Facebook cancelled all its major physical events through 2021.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had said that Facebook will slow its plan to return to the office and that it will first prioritise the rest of the economy to get up and running.

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