How to Figure Out What You Really Want | Ashley Stahl | TEDxLeidenUniversity

Source | YouTube | TEDx Talks

Have you ever wondered what you actually want? Then join Ashley Stahl–career coach, author, former counterterrorism and podcast host– as she shares her 3 key steps to help you connect to your life’s purpose, discover your ideal career path, and make what she likes to call a “You Turn,” the decision to get out of fear and tap into to what you actually want out of life. She hosts inspirational guests each week on her show, “the You Turn Podcast”, with the intention of helping her listeners upgrade their mindset both in work and love, and land a new job they love. Ashley Stahl is a counterterrorism professional turned podcaster, forthcoming author, and career coach who helps clients find their purpose, build their confidence, and launch successful service-based businesses. Ashley also hosts inspirational guests each week on her show, the You Turn Podcast, with the intention of helping listeners work on themselves, raise their confidence—all while taking life less seriously.

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