How to Prepare for a Job Interview So You’ll Convince Them You’re the Right Hire

By | The Muse Editors |

Preparing for an interview takes a lot more than Googling a list of common interview questions (though yes, you should 100% be ready for those). You have to make a great first impression (no showing up in wrinkly suits or running late!), know about the company and its products and mission, and, of course, convey exactly why you’d be a great hire for this job.

So to help you prepare, we compiled a list of our all-time best pre-interview tips. From strategizing about how to tackle the toughest questions to packing your bag, we’ve got you covered—with 30 ways to make sure you bring your A-game.

Learn everything you can about the company, the job, and the interview.

A lot of your interview preparation will depend on the specifics surrounding the job, the company, and even who is interviewing you and how.

1. Research the company.

Spend a few hours learning everything you can about the company—from as many sources as you can. Talk to people in your network to find current and previous employees, read current news releases, and, yes, spend some time on Google. Often, candidates just look at the information a company is pushing out on its own website and social media accounts, but fail to look more in depth at what others are saying. By looking at multiple sources, you’ll get a broader picture of the company (along with any negative press), and be ready to talk about why you’d like to work there and what you can do for them.

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