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What are the Different Types of Aptitude Tests?

By | HE

Finding and hiring new staff takes a lot of time, effort, and consideration. These days, employers are increasingly using pre-employment aptitude assessments to determine the viability of candidates and identify those with high potential.

Aptitude tests focus on core competencies, attitudes, and personality traits, enabling recruiters to make objective, informed recruitment decisions. Aptitude assessment is cost-effective as it helps in screening and filtering applicants early in the recruitment process. In this post, we examine the various commonly used types of aptitude tests.

Abstract Reasoning Test

Abstract reasoning and diagrammatic reasoning tests measure a candidate’s ability to identify logical patterns, shapes, and abstract ideas and then determine a solution. Tests generally involve only illustrations without any text. They are often used when assessing applicants for positions that require problem-solving skills and are typically presented to candidates for technical roles involving abstract ideas and concepts.

Spatial Reasoning Test

Spatial reasoning or spatial awareness tests are non-verbal psychometric assessments that provide insight into a candidate’s ability to mentally manipulate two- and three-dimensional objects. They assess an individual’s ability to manipulate and remember shapes and images as well as extract information from them. Spatial reasoning assessment is often used for scientific jobs along with engineering, production, technical, and design roles.

Visual Reasoning Test

Visual reasoning aptitude assessments are related to spatial reasoning and diagrammatic reasoning tests. They are designed to assess a candidate’s ability to create mental images of objects to derive conclusions. This form of assessment is typically used for technological and design roles wherein non-verbal visual reasoning capability is essential.

Verbal Reasoning Test

Verbal reasoning aptitude tests are used to assess a candidate’s ability to understand written text, comprehension, and ability to work with words. They will assess a person’s spelling capability along with their use of grammar. They enable recruiters to identify candidates who can accurately interpret and analyse written information and derive conclusions.

Logical & Critical Reasoning Test

Logical reasoning aptitude tests are a standard form of psychometric assessment that assesses a candidate’s logical, problem-solving capability. Critical reasoning assessment examines how candidates approach a problem, analysis capability, and ability to make logical assumptions.

Inductive Reasoning Test

Inductive reasoning tests are commonly used as standardised psychometric assessments that examine a candidate’s problem-solving skills. They determine an individual’s ability to take information and use this to resolve a problem. They look at a person’s ability to use unfamiliar information, analyse a problem, and derive a viable solution.

Situational Judgement Test

Situational judgement aptitude tests are another commonly used psychometric assessment that provides insight into a candidate’s ability to select the most appropriate course of action in defined workplace scenarios. They are intended to assess a person’s ability to understand and interpret a given situation, consider various approaches, and use their judgment to select the most appropriate.

Additional Aptitude Assessments

Those listed here are among the most used types of aptitude tests, but there are many others such as mental arithmetic tests, e-tray exercises, and error checking tests.

In Closing

Different roles call for different tests, so new aptitude assessments are always being developed. Knowing which test to administer to particular candidates will go a long way in ensuring that the right people are placed in the right posts.  


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