If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re probably not a good leader

Source | qz.com | Cal Turner, Jr.

I learned that there’s something wrong with feeling like the smartest person in the room from a man with a third-grade education—from my grandfather Luther, who along with my father founded the Dollar General Corporation, which I headed for 37-1/2 years.

It’s with more than a touch of shame that I admit I was embarrassed by Luther’s lack of education when I was a boy. He had dropped out of school after his father died, when he was 11, in order to work on the family farm, and eventually saved enough money to open his own shop. I loved and admired him, but the way he butchered language sometimes made me wince.

Gradually, my childhood sensitivity to that minor flaw was greatly outweighed by my respect for his business acumen and his keen insight into people.

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