Over 3 million people took these 5 online courses in 2019—here’s what they teach you

Source | www.cnbc.com | Abigail Hess

As technology continues to transform business, workers are using technology to transform themselves throughout their careers.

Today, one of the most common ways for workers to do this is by taking a course online.

There are several online education providers offering free and low-cost courses for workers hoping to “upskill,” meaning they want to pick up a new skill that can help them advance their careers.

One of those providers is LinkedIn Learning, which costs about $299.88 per year but is often offered to students by their universities or to workers through their employers.

Approximately 93 million workers watched LinkedIn Learning courses in 2019.

LinkedIn recently analyzed their user data to determine their most popular courses of the year. More than 3 million people took these five courses:

5. Python Essential Training

Course description:

“This course covers the basics of the language syntax and usage, as well as advanced features such as objects, generators, and exceptions. Learn how types and values are related to objects; how to use control statements, loops, and functions; and how to work with generators and decorators. Bill also introduces the Python module system and shows examples of Python scripting at work in a real-world application.”

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