The 3 Step Process to Ultimate Victory

By | Tafadzwa Mazibuko |

The rain fell heavily from nowhere as we were driving back home from a business meeting. My husband was driving and before we knew it, it grew dark, started hailing, and we couldn’t see the way. We were in the middle of nowhere and stopping in the middle of the heavy rain didn’t sound like a wise idea because the hailstorm had potential to damage the wind screen. 

Inside me there was fear that we would not get home. My Husband had to be strong for the both of us. It took us an hour to drive where it normally would’ve taken a few minutes if the road was clear. 

Many people take longer to achieve their dreams because they lack clarity. When one knows what they want, it’s also easy to set goals. However, there are reasons why many people do not set goals to achieve their dreams, including:

When the rain stopped, I recall how relieved my husband and I felt as we increased speed to cover up the delay we had experienced earlier. Just like the road being clear, clear goals help increase your confidence as you develop competence and boost your motivation to pursue your dream. 

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