The 10 Most Important SEO Tips You Need to Know

Source | | Neil Patel

A lot has changed in the world of search engine optimization – and there’s a lot of SEO tips out there.

However, certain fundamental principles remain unchanged.

For example, targeting keywords with the sole intent of improving organic rankings no longer works with search engines but choosing the right keywords is still an important piece to the puzzle.

Beyond getting SEO juice, keywords reveal a lot more about users and what they’re struggling with.

With so many SEO techniques, it’s become almost impossible to determine which ones to stick to and which you can safely ignore.

Is link building a thing of the past? Should you devote your time and energy to on-page SEO? How can you write a title tag to drive your rankings with search engines? Where do SEO and social media intersect?

And, seriously, what are the truly best SEO tips that’ll lead to results? 

Both B2B and B2C marketers want more search leads, because they result in 8.5X more clicks than paid search results.

Brian Dean did a fabulous job when he created a post showcasing 200 Google ranking factors. The post went on to become extremely popular and generated thousands of new leads from organic search for Brian.

This article may not be as in-depth as Brian’s, nor will I be answering all of the questions raised above. Instead, I want to show you the 10 most important SEO tips you need to know to help your site rank right now.

If you focus on these techniques alone, you’ll definitely drive more organic traffic to your blog and improve your search rankings without risking a Google penalty.

Let’s get started: 

1. Remove Anything that Slows Down Your Site

Page speed is a critical factor in SEO.

In the past, you could get away with a slow-loading site. I recall when I had to wait for about five minutes before a popular news site fully loaded.

I’m sure you can relate to that.

That’s never a good experience but it’s the kiss of death in today’s marketplace.

A slow page frustrates users and ultimately discourage people from buying your product.

Data from Strange Loop shows that a mere one-second delay in page load time can yield a whopping 7% loss in conversions.

In the mind of potential buyers, a slow site is an untrustworthy site. Period.

Page speed is vital to search engines, too. According to eConsultancy, “40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.”

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