The Future of AI part 1: early adopters and misconceptions

Source | | StevenH

The future of artificial intelligence doesn’t look one single way. AI is poised to benefit a multitude of industries in a variety of different ways. What does artificial intelligence in the near-term look like? How is it impacting industries and what should companies know about AI to remain competitive over the next few years?

What are the early adopters of AI doing right now?

Early adopters of AI include everything from automotive to marketing.

Right now, AI is selling us more and more things through website and social media ads. For example, “because you clicked or liked this, you might like this” or suggesting the next binge-worthy show.

AI is already in existence in smart phones too, such as with location services. AI can figure out where you usually go such as the grocery store, the office, your doctor, your gym, everywhere.

One of the biggest demonstrations of artificial intelligence is the self-driving car. Autonomous vehicles currently testing on the road are processing a gigabyte of data per second. This self-driving car must sense and interpret a massive amount of information from vehicles, traffic signals, weather, pedestrians and more, and make split-second decisions.

Finally, software engineering has adopted AI for the task of writing code; AI is contributing to writing spark code.

What are some misconceptions about AI?

The first iPhone was a revolution, but now the iPhone X is not.

Companies have started embracing AI to make a product or service slightly better but in five to seven years, the industries already at the forefront of using AI will reach a saturation point of cost reduction. They will likely embrace the innovation route and try to revolutionize the market by creating something which we can’t even imagine or envision yet.

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