Top 5 strategic priorities for CIOs in 2020

IT leaders from health-care, retail and tech sectors share their strategic priorities for 2020. Hint: Analytics, automation and cloud play big roles in CIOs’ roadmaps

Source | | Clint Boulton

As the light dims on 2019, CIOs are turning their talents to the next legs of their digital journeys. Many IT leaders will augment their employee experience (EX) to improve the overall customer experience (CX).

To wit, CIOs will focus on talent, culture and organizational challenges in 2020.

“CIOs will get a chance to step forward as business leaders, further developing their tech-driven innovation, people management, and ecosystem-building skills,” according to Forrester Research’s CIO predictions report.

Here IT leaders provide a sneak peek into what’s on their IT roadmaps for 2020.

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