What is your level of Strategic Acumen?

By | David Klaasen | Helping You Create Clarity, Inspire Your People & Drive Performance | Retain your best people | Changing Management Mindsets and Behaviour | Practical Behaviour Analytics

Reality and strategic acumen went out the window during the referendum campaigns for the UK to leave or remain in the EU. Both camps were very polarised between people who seemed to be blindly optimistic about the opportunities of going it alone and others who had severe scepticism about the economic impact of having to renegotiate hundreds of trade and security agreements.  How well are you balancing your optimism and scepticism about your current situation?

The leave result shocked the nation (including many on the Leave side!) and the UK was thrown into political turmoil by the intense feelings that 1 million people felt about the country being better off out of the European Union. It was extraordinary to see the government unravel within hours of the result and to watch a vicious but thankfully short leadership campaign for a new Prime Minister.

I was pleased to see that the most moderate candidate won overwhelming support and that the other main contender quickly backed out of the race because it was clear she could never win. It was also clear that a bitter 9 week campaign would only create more economic uncertainty in an already volatile situation.

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