What to do if you’ve hit the lockdown wall

Lockdown 3.0 has been the lockdown of pandemic fatigue, now Natasha Preskey looks at ways to improve your state of mind

Source | www.independent.co.uk

It has been almost a year since Boris Johnson announced the first national lockdown for England on the evening of Monday 23 March 2020.

Since then, we’ve lived under a variety of restrictions, with millions of people unable to see friends, family and partners, and three nationwide lockdowns to endure. Thousands of people have also been made redundant or face uncertainty over their financial future.

The same events we cancelled one by one last year now, yet again, look unlikely to go ahead until at least 2022.

We’re still no clearer about when the third lockdown, which began in January, may end – Boris Johnson has promised to lay out a roadmap on 22 February if case numbers continue falling.

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