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Why being an influencer is a job

By | John Preston

This is so thanks to the appearance of digital natives. We refer to them when we talk about people born in the 90s onwards since they are people who were practically born with a technological device under their arms. This has allowed that from those generations, the relationship with the devices is much more intuitive and fluid. So much so that with the appearance of various social platforms they have quickly learned how to take advantage of it and use it to their advantage.

Digital natives are prescribers of products, services, experiences and brands that use their skills to move through the digital environment to create attractive content. With the use of the Internet towards a more domestic world, digital natives began to post their ideas online immediately and with a positive response (and immediately too) from the public. This relational dynamic has been put on edge by the brands that noticed the advertising niche to exploit.

Skills to work as an influencer

The evolution of social networks as well as Internet users interacting more and more with this type of platform such as Instagram or Tik Tok has given rise to competitiveness and profitability in the field.

Modern influencers began to emerge along with the start of social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The way to understand the interaction of the network and its potential uses the fulfillment of the prophecy: If you do not pay for the product, you are the product. These users who began to gain popularity on social networks managed, together with their audience, to give meaning to each network, thus showing an increasingly complex and addictive interaction. In this way, social networks managed to monopolize the social, cultural and economic sphere of countries, making possible a space for new productions of meaning, and with it, new ways of generating labor relations (or with capital?).

The truth is that what we see of being an influencer is the result of an arduous process to achieve a loyal community. It is by no means an easy job, no matter how much it may seem so from the outside. It is constant and daily work, your creativity cannot falter, and your self-esteem must be strong to be able to accept with class and elegance all the criticism that these influencers write daily, also from empty accounts and without any type of impunity.

The job of standing out in the digital ocean where there are millions of people is not an easy task. It depends on the development of skills and aptitudes to move in the different digital channels and know how to persuade the audience. The way of communicating in the world of influencers and social networks is vital.

The skills that we will present below can help you determine if you have the dough to be an influencer:

Effective communication

First of all, what is an influencer, if not a communicator? If you can’t get your views across accurately, clearly, and fluently, you’re not fulfilling the role of influencer.

The way of transmitting is the most key point to determine the degree of credibility, a key virtue for brands.

Being creative and communicating well is not an easy task. We encourage you to dare to lose your fear of speaking in front of a camera, give your point of view, whatever the topic you are talking about, and remove the shame to be able to speak without getting stuck and in a way that, in addition, be attractive to your audience.


Digital natives who excel in the digital world already have a quick ability to adapt to change and understand the synergies that directly affect big changes in the digital universe.

Strategic thinking

Sponsorship strategies are something that cannot be ruled by brands, but rather something that influencers themselves work for what they work for. This means that it is not possible to carry out this type of work without possessing this ability. Sponsored content must always be accompanied by valuable organic content that is capable of strengthening the bond with the audience. It’s not all about selling, in fact, it’s about generating credibility and engagement. Influencers have to have clear objectives in both themselves and their personal brand, and in turn, in the choice of messages (which depend on the product in question) that generate a positive impact on the public.


It is understood by this, the ability that people have to perceive the feelings that people have outside of themselves. Your engagement will depend not only on the quality of your content, but also on the interactions you make with your followers. This requires extra warmth and empathy when communicating with your community.


Creativity is always a skill that generates a plus in any environment in which you find yourself. For this reason, brands began to see the potential in these popular content creators due to the ability they demonstrated when transmitting messages.


Honesty is part of fidelity. Being chosen by your audience requires work that has a lot to do with your transparency, which is what also generates the credibility you possess. In this section it is important to highlight that honesty has to do with the criteria you have when selecting the brands you want to sponsor. If you don’t believe in the product or find it untrustworthy, it’s best to reject it. In the long run, you should keep in mind that it is always better to think in the medium term than in the short term. A fraudulent collaboration can cost you your audience.

Most popular sectors to work as an influencer

Like any business, there are sectors that are easier to carry out successful strategies. In this sense, it must be recognized that there are industries that are much more profitable than others.

Not all businesses are prepared to work with an influencer in the way they have worked so far. That is the work of these influencers to continue opening new promotion paths and new products and sectors that fit or are compatible or an influencer campaign can be carried out.

In general, any online product is easy to promote with influencers. First of all, because the product is downloadable or can be purchased with a card and they send it to your home. But when we talk about offline products, things get more complicated, although there are always solutions that can help you. That is where the creativity of this influencer comes in.

Here we will tell you what they are in order of importance:

Fashion and accessories

Did you have doubts that I was going to go first? One of the reasons why influencers are so in demand has to do with their styling. The publications with the best engagement are those associated with Instagram Shopping, where in a matter of seconds, the user purchases the recommended garment or accessory.

Beauty and health

It is increasingly common to find tutorials and recommendations related to this sector. Cosmetic brands are increasingly prone to make their recommendations on their social media profiles. In that sense, it is an easy product to recommend and is usually a quick purchase. Our recommendation is that before agreeing to carry out this type of advertising, you are aware of the regulations and standards for this type of products related to pharmacies and health. That is why it is important that you take into account the type of regulation in your country because there is increasing awareness about this type of collaboration.

Trips and experiences

Here what we find is the engagement related to the inspirational. In that sense, this type of format and experience is key to embarking on an adventure. If you are passionate about trying new adventures, we highly recommend this sector. According to Interface Tourism Spain, 3 out of 4 influencers specialized in tourism and lifestyle are willing to travel to carry out some type of tourism promotion. Of course, with what has happened in the last two years, it has not been possible to explore much, however, this sector offers the possibility of becoming an innate explorer and being able to recognize the wonderful in unusual places. You can become an expert in your area and become a local ambassador promoting sustainability.


In this sense, this sector is a topic that echoes on social networks. Today we find a growing awareness of food and balance with our environment. Around food, a notion of ethics and social responsibility has expanded that has expanded the debate in various spheres, with this, the appearance of influencers related to this topic has become very popular. Remember that for this type of specialization you must really be interested and committed to the information that you are willing to disseminate. This is a sensitive topic that can quickly cause you to lose credibility or trust in your audience.


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