6 Factors To Consider for Your Next Workation

By | Mona Freund (her/she) | Content Marketing Specialist

Planning a work vacation (or “workation” for short) comes with a lot of moving parts that you’ll have to juggle. Not only do you have to pick a destination that suits you, but you also need to create a checklist of necessary amenities for your trip.

Once you have your workation cleared by your managers, it’s time to finally book your trip. Whether you want to take a short trip or a three-week vacation, continue reading to see what six factors you need to consider before booking your rental property. 

1. Wifi Strength 

When you’re working from home, there’s nothing that matters more than your wireless internet connection. Without it, you wouldn’t even be able to do your job at all. Make sure that your vacation destination not only has wifi, but reliable and quick internet access, too. 

2. Vacation Rental Reviews

Picture this: You’ve found the perfect vacation rental in the perfect part of town—so what’s the catch? Well, the catch may be that all previous renters have had a terrible experience. 

Whether you want to visit metropolitan Boston with museums and restaurants or stay in a Myrtle Beach rental near white sand beaches, narrow down the perfect destination for you. Make sure to always see the ratio of vacation rental reviews and pay attention to the one-star reviews as much as the ones with five stars. 

3. Office Setup

When browsing potential properties for your workation, it’s important to always make sure that there’s an office space available for you to do your work. 

You don’t want to be hunched over your laptop in a bed for the entire trip. Instead, look for a home office setup that will inspire you to get work done on your workation.  

4. Cost of Living

The overall cost of a vacation rental property is a huge factor in deciding your workation location? If the rental costs an arm and a leg, then the property probably isn’t worth it. Make sure to stay within your budget to keep yourself relaxed and free of anxiety during your trip.

5. Proximity to Attractions

Be sure to stay somewhere close to things to do on your work vacation. Whether you want to have a quiet vacation near a hiking trail or an exciting workation filled with nightlife and parties, it’s all about location, location, location. 

6. Noise Levels

Although you’re taking a vacation, you’ll still need plenty of rest—even if you want to party here and there. Make sure that your vacation rental property isn’t in a wild part of town. You don’t want unruly neighbors keeping you up all night. 

To determine the noise level of a property, check the previous reviews for any complaints about noise levels in a specific part of town. 

Are you ready to finally take the workation of your dreams? Use these tips to start planning and find your next bucket list destination.

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