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Sick leave in UK hits 15-year high: study, HR News, ETHRWorld

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<p>That was two days more than before the pandemic and marked the highest level since 2008, a CIPD spokesperson told AFP</p>
That was two days more than before the pandemic and marked the highest level since 2008, a CIPD spokesperson told AFP

London: Sick leave in the UK has hit its highest rate in 15 years and is well above pre-pandemic levels, a study showed Tuesday.

Employees took an average 7.8 sick days over the past year, according to the study published by human resources association CIPD and medical services company Simplyhealth.

That was two days more than before the pandemic and marked the highest level since 2008, a CIPD spokesperson told AFP.

“Despite our research showing that most organisations are focusing on employee wellbeing, the considerable rise in absences across all sectors is a worry,” said Rachel Suff, senior employee wellbeing adviser at the CIPD.

The jump in sick leave is contributing to a tight labour market, with employers struggling to recruit or retain existing employees due to worker shortages accentuated by the pandemic and Brexit.

The study also finds that stress is one of the prevalent factors for both short- and long-term sick leave, with over 76 percent of managers reporting absences for this reason over the last year.

Short-term absences are dominated by minor illnesses (94 percent) and injuries (45 percent), with 39 percent due to mental health disorders, according to the survey of 6.5 million employees in 918 organisations.

Mental health issues topped the list for long-term absences (63 percent), followed by acute…

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