Hr News

This industry needs people joining them as it grows at 8 per cent annually

Green jobs in India are expected to increase by 30 million by 2050, with the demand for green skills reportedly growing faster than the supply. There is a shortfall of ESG analysts and chemical engineers in the financial services and battery sectors. The top five emerging green roles are expected to increase their demand by an average of 15% to 20% each year for the next decade, including sustainability and social impact managers, ESG analysts, governance and compliance specialists, and renewable energy experts

Source | | Debleena Majumdar, ET Online

India is estimated to create about 30 million green jobs by 2050. What does this mean in terms of skills needed for these careers?

“There’s a massive supply-demand gap that’s opening up, and it’s being felt in everything from the lack of chemical engineers in battery companies to the shortfall of ESG analysts in financial services,” says Swapna Gupta, Partner at, a climate learning platform.

The founder of, Anshuman Bapna, says that jobs that require green skills are growing 8% annually, while people with those skills are only growing at 6%.

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