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25 Etiquette Mistakes You Need to Stop Making by 30

By | Charlotte Hilton Andersen |

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Texting during a movie won’t just make you look like a dumb teenager but it’s a recipe for getting gum spit into your hair.

Sharing embarrassing stories in a toast

It’s a toast, not a roast, so if you’ve been honored with the job of giving a toast at a wedding, birthday, or another honorary event then make sure what you’re saying is actually honoring the person, Grotts says. In other words? Save the hilarious story about their vomit-laden spring break for your friend group chat. “Keep the toast light and airy, avoid saying anything overly personal about the individual and keep it short, three minutes max,” she says. Check out the strangest etiquette rules from around the world.

Sneezing into your hands

Sneezes can be unpredictable, giving you just seconds notice to figure out where to aim the spray. The default for many of us is to sneeze into our hands or, even worse, just sneeze into the air. Not only is that super gross but it’s unnecessary, says Lisa Grotts, etiquette expert and author of A Traveler’s Passport to Etiquette. Sneeze into your elbow or at the very least turn your head away from other people, she says, adding that if you feel multiple sneezes coming on, excuse yourself to the restroom. Here are 50 other little etiquette rules you should always practice.

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