Guest AuthorNeha Bagaria

Empowering Women through Financial Literacy: Conversation with Pallavi Gandhi

By | Sandhya |

Managing finances can be a daunting task for anyone, but it can be particularly challenging for women who face unique financial hurdles such as the gender pay gap, career breaks, or just a lack of knowledge due to societal prejudices. 

To gain insights into how women can better manage their finances, we spoke to Pallavi Gandhi, a Senior Manager with Bank of Baroda who has extensive experience in the banking and finance industry.

She has received numerous honors, including The Times of Startup India’s Influencer of the Year award for 2023, being named one of the “40 under 40,” and being recognized by Influencive as an “up and coming influencer.”

In this interview, Pallavi shares her expertise on a range of topics, including financial planning, investing, and the importance of financial literacy. Whether you’re just starting out on your financial journey or looking to take your finances to the next level, this interview is a must-read for any woman who wants to take control of her financial future. 

Excerpts from her interview:

What was your driving force? Who inspired you to work with numbers and finance?

My parents empowered my financial independence by encouraging job-taking and sound decision-making. Having learned from unwise spending and life cycles, it boosted my confidence and gave me knowledge. My mom, a housewife, inspires me with her exceptional emergency management.

What are the common financial hurdles that your female clients face but your male clients do not?
Overcoming the common mindset hurdle can be a challenging task, particularly for girls, who are often conditioned to be nurturing and compromising. Society has historically failed to encourage girls to become breadwinners, and even as parents, we often perpetuate this gendered expectation. As a result, girls may not prioritize money in the same way that men do. Financial success can be hindered by this.

Why do you think a woman should be financially empowered? What are some of the things that women taking charge of their finances SHOULD know, but usually don’t? 

Women have proven time and again that they are capable of achieving anything with equal opportunities. As finances are an integral part of daily life, from grocery shopping to hosting parties, women must not shy away from gaining knowledge of investments. By starting with an assessment of existing investments, equipping oneself with financial accounts, and building emergency funds, women can take charge of their financial lives with confidence.

Could you give a few examples of how women have benefited financially just by being aware of the women-specific schemes and investment benefits that exist already? How can they then use it to safeguard their retirement plans?

Government-backed schemes like PPF and NPS are excellent ways for women to invest in retirement funds, and understanding how they work can help create wealth for a comfortable retirement. By taking advantage of these opportunities, women can secure their financial future and enjoy a comfortable retirement with peace of mind.

What was the most rewarding financial decision you made?

I think buying life insurance with adequate coverage is the best decision I have made.

What would be your advice to women who are just starting or restarting their careers? 

Restarting a career can be daunting for women, but it is a worthwhile choice. It is important to have a bank account, PAN card, emergency funds, health insurance, and consider family care costs when negotiating.

Do you feel there is anything you could change or do differently in your career path? If so, what and why?

I think I don’t have regrets as such. But I would like to have more roles in companies where finances are taught as a subject to all employees.

What are ways in which women with small businesses and senior women returnees can take control of the finances of their business?

Understanding your cash flows is crucial, particularly for senior women. It is advisable to keep your money in liquid assets to be prepared for any emergency and automate your utility bill payments. Additionally, setting up automatic income deposits into your account can help streamline your financial management.

What do you think needs to be added to our school curricula for people to understand finances?  

I believe that teaching children about both spending and earning is essential. Unfortunately, many children are not taught about the pitfalls of unwise spending, which can lead to financial difficulties later in life. To promote financial literacy, the value of money should be included in school curricula.

For more information, you can attend a workshop by Pallavi Gandhi

Free Workshop details:

1. Building a safety net –

Covers budgeting, retirement funds, insurance, and emergency funds.

2. Investment 101

Investment in fixed deposits and liquid funds.

Mutual funds, gold, silver, government schemes, and stocks.

(*Will inform the date shortly. Keep watching this space for more info).

With the right knowledge, tools, and mindset, women can take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals. Pallavi Gandhi’s insights on financial planning, investing, and financial literacy provide a valuable starting point for any woman looking to build a strong financial foundation. By taking small steps towards financial empowerment and seeking out resources and support, we can all work towards achieving financial independence and a brighter future.

So, start today and take charge of your financial journey!

To know more about Pallavi Gandhi, click here 

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Republished with permission and originally published at

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