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Five AI tools to enhance recruitment

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How much human involvement there should be in the recruitment process given the capabilities of AI is a matter for debate. Recent evidence has emerged that candidates are not happy with AI-driven processes, but here, Terry Terhark presents the case for businesses to deploy the five main types of AI in their efforts to attract the best talent.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management in the US, 40% of companies are already using AI to screen and assess candidates, 41% use AI chatbots to engage with job seekers, and 44% found AI can help identify talent from social media profiles.

Given this, it is likely many talent acquisition professionals have been left wondering whether their organisations understand why the “human” skills they use every day are critical to successful recruitment.

The good news is that most leaders understand the importance of the human touch in recruiting and talent acquisition  activities. However, the fact remains that there are some tasks AI will no doubt monopolise.

Recruiting is a combination of transactions (screening, communications, and data) and strategic activities (interviewing, evaluating, and match fitting). Blending technology and human skills at the right touch points will make sure candidates have an elegant and professional experience, as well as an efficient one. The recruiting teams that excel during this time of change will be those that integrate AI into their workflows early and identify the technologies that…

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