Guest ContributorLeadership

Follow These 9 Tips To Become A Better Leader

By | Janie Kelley | Creative Content Writer

Most of us, at some point in our lives, thought about leading people to do certain tasks. Some people work hard and do become leaders, while others keep struggling their entire life. The reason for this is simple. It is that you need to have some qualities to become an effective leader. Now, these qualities are not given to you when you’re born. Instead, you have to work on improving them.

When you know which qualities a leader must have, you can start improving. Often, people assume that giving orders and making people work under pressure is a leader’s job. But, it is not. There is so much more to the word ‘leader’.

Becoming a leader is not an easy task, but it is definitely rewarding. When you are in a leadership position, you have the ability to make a difference in the world. However, becoming an effective leader takes time and effort.

In this blog post, we will discuss 9 tips that will help you become a better leader!

Let’s begin.

Learn To Empathize

One of the most important qualities that a leader must have is empathy. When you are able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, it becomes easier for you to understand their thoughts and feelings. This quality will help you build better relationships with the people who work under you.

Empathy also allows you to connect with people on a deeper level and not just an employee and leader relationship. When you’re able to empathize with someone, it shows that you care about them and their well-being. As a leader, it is important to show that you care about your employees.

Learn To Handle Failure

No one is perfect and as a leader, you will make mistakes. It is important to learn how to handle it. When you make a mistake, admit it and learn from it. Do not try to cover it up or blame others.

When you handle failure in a positive way, your employees will be more likely to trust you. They will not be afraid of experimenting because they would’ve seen you owning up to your mistakes. It is an amazing quality that a lot of people have a hard time developing.

Be A Role Model

As a leader, it is important to be a role model for your employees. When they see you working hard and setting an example, they will be more likely to do the same. They will also look up to you and respect you more.

When your employees respect you, they are more likely to listen to what you have to say. You may have seen some leaders are not given any attention because their employees do not respect them.

Let Your Team Get Creative

If you always tell your team to do things in a certain way, they’ll keep doing it and won’t use their brain and get creative.  As a leader, it is important to allow your team to be creative. This will help them come up with new and innovative ideas.

When your team is able to think outside the box, it becomes easier for you to get things done. They will also feel appreciated when their leader allows them to be creative. 

Listen To Your Team

One of the best ways to become a better leader is to listen to your team. When they have something to say, listen and take it into consideration. Do not just brush it off because you think that you know better.

When you listen to your team, they will feel appreciated and important. They will also feel like their opinion matters. In most workplaces, leaders don’t listen to their team and wonder why they don’t get respected.

Keep An Open Body Language

When you’re talking to someone, it’s important to have open body language. This will show that you’re interested in what they have to say. As a leader, it becomes even more important. You have to make sure that your employees feel heard.

When you keep an open body language, they will feel like they can trust you and speak up freely. It is a leader’s job to make their employees feel comfortable and safe.

Teach Your Team Instead Of Demotivating Them

It’s pretty common that people in your team might make mistakes. As a leader, it is important to teach them instead of demoralizing them. When you teach them, they will understand what they did wrong and how they can improve.

Demoralizing your team will only make them feel worthless. They might start thinking that they’re not good enough for the job and give up. You surely don’t want that to happen.

Provide Constructive Feedback

As a leader, it’s important to provide constructive feedback to your team. This type of feedback will help them improve and do better next time.

When you provide constructive feedback, they will understand what they did wrong and how to fix it. It is a leader’s responsibility to help their team grow and develop.

Don’t Resist Change

Change is name of the game. You can’t expect to grow as a leader if you’re rigid.  Leaders who resist change will eventually get left behind.

When you embrace change, you’re able to learn new things and grow as a leader. You’ll also be able to help your team grow. Change is good for both the leader and the team.


These are some tips that will help you become a better leader. Leaders who have these qualities are more successful than those who don’t. It’s important to work on improving these qualities so you can be the best leader that you can be.

Follow these tips and see for yourself how much of a difference they make. Remember, leadership is not easy and it takes a lot of hard work. But, the results are definitely worth it.

Author Bio

Janie Kelley offersassignment help in Australia& is a senior writer at Grow With Grades (GWG). She helps college and university students get their desired grades. The assignments she writes are primarily for psychology students thanks to her personal development journey over the years.

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