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7 Ways to Be More Confident in Job Interviews

By | Kimberli Lowe-MacAuley |

As a job seeker, you know that interviews are a critical part of the process. All the advice tells you that you simply need to prepare and practice, and then you can walk into that meeting feeling confident that you’re the best candidate for the job.

But feeling confident in an interview can be more challenging than simply rehearsing your answers—especially if you’re not used to being in such a high-pressure situation. If you’re feeling stressed about an upcoming interview, take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and then focus on adjusting your habits and mannerisms one at a time.

Portraying Self-Assurance

Your goal during the interview should be to communicate that you’re the right person for the job and are confident in your abilities. If you believe that you can do the job well, the interviewer will feel it too. Consider utilizing some of the following self-possessed body language and communication skills to discover which ones you could use a refresher on.

1. Maintain Eye Contact

Have you ever felt like you didn’t know where to look? It can be awkward trying to find the right balance between staring at someone uncomfortably and seeming to have a conversation with the table.

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