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Are you sacrificing important relationships?

By | David Klaasen | Helping You Create Clarity, Inspire Your People & Drive Performance | Retain your best people | Changing Management Mindsets and Behaviour | Practical Behaviour Analytics

Good relationships are no longer enough. The quality of your results is determined by the quality of your relationships. From customers and clients to staff and suppliers, if you don’t maintain relationships your results will suffer. In fact, as pressure and competition rise we need excellent relationships. This is becoming even more important as the uncertainty in the economy continues.

But building relationships takes time and time is a resource few people of have enough of. In fact many clients are complaining that they don’t have the time to have the important conversations like keeping in touch with clients, doing regular performance appraisals and managing suppliers – not to mention honing and developing the new skills required to succeed in a volatile economic environment.

Can you afford not to do it?

There are some things that are simply too expensive notto invest in and relationships probably come top of the list. But what we need to address before focusing on how to build extraordinary relationships is that “Something has got to give . . .”

Isn’t it funny that all the books, seminars and audio programmes always talk about what you need to do more of, but nobody ever tells us what we should do lessof! “Sounds great” I hear you say   “. . and how exactly are we going to do that?”

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