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Chatbots, their positive impact and how to take advantage of the customer experience

The development of artificial intelligence and the expansion of instant messaging platforms have highlighted the arrival of chatbots, systems that allow brands to serve millions of customers at the same time

By | Stiven Cartagena |

Conversations between a client and a machine are becoming more and more common. The arrival of chatbots made it possible to solve one of the main challenges of companies, customer service, and that is that today many people avoid calling by phone and prefer to send a message through applications such as WhatsApp .

Developing positive experiences for the user is one of the main goals that companies, in any sector, must meet. Conversational commerce is positioned as one of the tools that encourage the generation of a positive customer journey that results in higher levels of loyalty, increases in sales, and engagement , to mention just a few consequences.

But chatbots are not a recent innovation. Its beginnings date back to 1966, long before the advent of the internet, and by 2018 there were more than 300,000 assets. However, its growth has come hand in hand with changing consumer habits.

The customer experience today

During the last years we have witnessed the evolution of message communication, from plain texts with limitations in terms of functionality, to increasingly interactive messages that lead us to a dynamic conversation.

According to data from a study carried out by Meta , owned by Facebook, it indicates that in Latin America 58% of people say they have sent and received messages from the brands they consume . The same study states that two out of three people in the world indicate that they have chatted with brands and businesses.

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