Hr Library

Managers, in future, will manage algorithms more than they manage employees, says Aswini Thota, ETHRWorld

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<p>Aswini Thota, Analytics and AI Leader, Bose Corporation,</p>
Aswini Thota, Analytics and AI Leader, Bose Corporation,

By Avanthika P

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the workplace, HR space, which had been previously relying on descriptive analytics, is now switching to more predictive and prescriptive analytics. Aswini Thota, Analytics and AI Leader at Bose Corporation, says AI has transformed the HR functioning from a reactive mode to a proactive mode.

He says that data driven decision making is not new to HR. Even before the AI boom, HR space used to leverage a lot of metrics, key performance indicators and dashboards to get insights. It’s in the recent past that HR started to invest heavily in AI. In today’s world, AI has made its way to every single core function in HR, from sourcing to hiring to recruiting to compensation and offboarding. AI is even capable of making the hidden relationships between employees’ journey and it also recommends suggestions at the organisational level.

Elaborating on the scope of AI in the HR space, Thota points out three use cases:

Quality of Hire: AI filters out the potential best candidates based on the survey responses, number of promotions and salaries. Again, the goal for this metric is not to blindly hire or fire candidates. But instead, it’s about how one can nurture a candidate who is not upto the quality of hire metric and deciding what kind of additional training opportunity could be provided to these candidates.


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