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13 Positive Habits That Can Boost Your Success

By | YEC |

As an entrepreneur or a high achiever, you may be overwhelmed with seemingly endless work or the general feeling that there’s not enough time to do everything you want to do. To make it through the day, it’s easy to fall into “bad habits” or let tasks fall to the wayside. However, it is important to establish positive habits to set yourself up for later success. Setting goals and boundaries, both personally and professionally, is necessary to sustain the life you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

To get a better idea of what that might look like, we asked members of the Young Entrepreneur Council to share positive habits they’ve found that have led to success. Here’s what they suggest:

1. Create a task list first thing in the morning.

Every morning before the day begins, and sometimes even as the previous one is ending, I like to briefly review my upcoming tasks for the next day and then prioritize them according to importance. Spending this short 15 minutes allows me to have absolutely everything in alignment, and the result of that is a much better and more efficient day.

—Nicole Munoz, Nicole Munoz Consulting, Inc.

2. Share difficult problems you’re working through.

I’ve never understood founders who keep things “close to the vest.” When we’re wrestling with a major issue, I talk about it with anyone who will listen! Working through the problem with different people yields different ideas. As importantly, people will want to help you, and you never know who is connected to the person who can ultimately help you solve your issue.

—Aaron Schwartz, Passport

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