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5 Data Science Skills That Pay & 5 That Don’t

This article will go over the top 5 data science skills that pay you and 5 that don’t

By | Nisha Arya |

When you’re starting a new career, especially one part of the tech world – you will find yourself trying your best to have every skill in the book. With a growing field, you don’t want to be left behind – every skill is imperative at this point. 

This article will go over the top 5 data science skills that pay you and 5 that don’t. 

5 Data Science Skills that Pay

1. Mathematical concept

I am going to start with the concept of Math. As the demand for Data Scientists continues to increase, we see an increase in Bootcamps, Courses, etc. I did a BootCamp course in data science and when I landed my first commercial data science role – I was missing one thing. A good and deep understanding of the concept of Math and its vital role in the movement of data science. 

A lot of BootCamp and online courses are short courses that fast-track you to land a job instead of going through the traditional route of University. However, this fast-track route results in you missing out on diving into important elements of data science such as statistical probability. If you have a better grasp and are able to apply math to your data science projects, you will ensure that it is done correctly and the results match the expectation. 

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