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9 Actionable Ways Leaders Can Improve the Workplace for Employees

By | Brett Farmiloe |

To help companies understand how to create better workplaces, we asked HR leaders and people managers to share what they consider their topmost priority for improving the workplace. From boosting employee engagement to encouraging a healthy work-life balance, here are nine actionable ways to make your company a better place to work.

9 ways to improve your workplace

1. Ensure employees are part of goal setting

“I am responsible for human resources for an online content creation business. Working with freelancers across multiple time zones and geographies has taught me to have a more proactive approach to goals and deliverables. I make sure that all deliverables and goals are in alignment with each person’s lifestyle, culture, and workload. I have seen that by just ensuring employees are part of goal setting, I have been able to really improve overall engagement from my employees.”
Mogale Modisane, ToolsGaloreHQ

2. Change negative attitudes toward corporate women

“We live in the twenty-first century, and we are all about supporting women in the workplace, but still, behind the big corporate image there are some departments and areas where women’s opinions are neglected or not given the amount of appreciation that they deserve. Especially when women are in a high position, they can be judged by others.

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