Ben EubanksGuest Author

New Event: How to Survive and Thrive in Today’s Tight Talent Market

By | Ben Eubanks | Human Resources Professional, Speaker, and Blogger

Whew! It’s been a whirlwind on my end for the last few months, and a few things are certainly true:

  • Moving to a new house is hard
  • In-person events are wonderful to experience again
  • Virtual events are here to stay!

With that last point in mind, I am excited to announce a new event happening on October 27th focusing on recruiting, talent acquisition, and how to keep your best people. We’re approved for 3 HRCI/SHRM credits, and we’re so excited to host this awesome conversation in the middle of the most challenging hiring environment that I’ve ever seen.

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One of the things we do consistently is give away prizes to our amazing attendees. To that end, we’ll be sending out copies of books from some of our amazing speakers, some fun notebooks, and more! We would love to have you attend, and if you have a friend who’s also a recruiter or HR leader trying to find the right talent right now, please invite them along as well!

We’ll have a rockstar panel of talent acquisition leaders talking about how they are innovating right now, ideas for how to select the right candidates using science, why we should be reducing friction and frustration in the hiring process, how to hire for potential (not just proficiency), and more!

See you there!

Republished with permission and originally published at

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